‘Sumas Snow Geese Ballet’ by Bruce Brown
Out of nowhere they came, thousands of snow geese in V after V on the booming wind…
CALL THIS A column without words. There are none in the video. No narration, no text over, no placards. All you can hear is the booming of the wind and the amazing cries of the birds.
Here’s the backstory, though. I was out riding my bike through the open farmland near Sumas, WA on a windy day in early April 2022 when I was fortunate to witness the amazing landing dance of a flock of more than 2,000 snow geese.
The geese first appeared from the west, flying high in V after V, then they descended and crisscrossed each other at different elevations.
Finally, they began to land in a field about a quarter mile away, only to suddenly rise up and again and run off across the field at break-neck pace, then turn and come back, then turn again and run away low over the ground. On and on it went, until all the snow geese had dropped into two huge sub-flocks about 100 yards from each other.
— Bruce Brown
Editor, Coronavirus Vaccine & Herd Immunity Digest